Consulting Engineers  

3075 Wilshire Boulevard Office Building

Los Angeles, 2004, Job No: JN04006.
Replacement of an existing 380 ton R-11 19C water-cooled centrifugal chiller with a 250 ton R-134a water-cooled centrifugal chiller with unit-mounted variable speed drive and a 200 ton R-134a water-cooled screw compressor chiller
Upgrade of the existing chiller room to meet current mechanical code including refrigerant monitoring and alarms, emergency refrigerant purge and equipment shutdown, and chiller room ventilation.
Services performed: mechanical and electrical engineering and drawings for design-build project delivery.



Inland Empire Office
4805 North Sierra Way
Suite 115
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Phone: 909.534.3596

Coachella Valley Office
42600 Caroline Court
Suite 102
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Phone: 760.834.1537
Fax: 760.832.7333